All your fertility lifestyle questions answered






NUTRItion /

How Does Your Fat Intake Affect Your Fertility?

We know that both too much and too little fat can harm your fertility. And that omega-3 fat is great for fertility where as trans fat is harmful. But what about other fats? Does your omega-6, monounsaturated and saturated fat intake affect your fertility too? How Does Your Omega-6 Fat Intake Affect Your Fertility? When […]

How Does Your Fat Intake Affect Your Fertility?


Don't Eat This if You're TTC

I usually like to focus on what you can eat while TTC, rather than what you should limit. And in general, I believe that food rules can be damaging and all food can be included in moderation. But there is one nutrient that I make an exception for, so far as to say, just don’t […]

Don’t Eat This if You’re TTC.


best fat for fertility

In my opinion, omega-3s are the OG of fats. Not only are they probably the best fat for fertility but they have other health benefits too. Omega-3s: The Best Fat for Fertility What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Omega-3s are a group unsaturated fats, with the main Omega 3’s in our diets being ALA, EPA and […]

Omega-3 is the Best Fat For Fertility


fat and fertility

Thankfully, gone are the days where we’re told to avoid dietary fat at all costs. We know that fat is important for our health in many ways. But what about when it comes to fat and fertility? Should you follow a high or low-fat diet for fertility? Fat and Fertility: The Basics Fats are the […]

Fat and Fertility: Should You Follow a High or Low Fat Diet for Fertility?


Fertility dietitian, ovulation expert, lover of food and squishy newborn baby cuddles. After my own struggles starting a family, I help people get pregnant (fast) and have the healthiest pregnancies possible.

Hi, I'm Ami

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